Get Started

To use this service, please login using your credentials. If you do not have an account you can create one from the login screen. Once registered and logged in, you will be presented with a map where you will be able to interact with your places of interest and access the history of notifications that are relevant to your places of interest.

TNS Notifications

When a significant event occurs, the details are sent to TNS, triggering an intersect process that joins the registered places of interest to the events to determine which users should be notified. TNS has the capability for users to also view notifications that have been previously sent and select the event types that are of interest. Notifications are received both inside TNS and through email to the email address associated with the account.


The South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG) is an online geospatial tool that provides users with the ability to view the state’s mining related leases and licences on a map along with many other spatial datasets and provides access to geoscientific data. DEM also provides a range of other online services and tools for the public to utilise. Details on other services can be found on the DEM website.